¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to CAMP!
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) at St. 爱德华大学致力于满足移民学生的高等教育需求. Here, you’ll join a caring community of globally minded, 批判性思考者和问题解决者,他们对让世界变得更美好充满热情.
As a CAMP scholar at St. 在爱德华学院,您将受益于根据您的兴趣和目标量身定制的高度个性化教育. 帮助你从你的大学经历中收获最多, 你会得到来自CAMP成功教练的持续支持, professors, counselors and fellow students. 我们致力于你在大学及以后的成功.
Do You Qualify for CAMP?
Because CAMP is funded by both the U.S. Department of Education and St. 爱德华的,我们遵循联邦对移民和季节性农场工作的定义. To qualify for CAMP you must meet the admission requirements for St. Edward’s and be a U.S. citizen or a legal resident.
To learn more about the CAMP Admission process, view these special materials.
About CAMP at St. Edward’s
St. 爱德华学院以拥有全美持续时间最长的CAMP项目而自豪.S.自1972年以来,该项目已经帮助了2800多名学生. 我们每年都会选出35位新的CAMP学者,让他们带来自己的激情, 才能和愿望能改变山顶.
他们通常是家里第一代上大学的人, our CAMP scholars are welcomed to the hilltop by a success team dedicated to helping them succeed. As freshmen, CAMP scholars receive financial, 学术和精神上的支持,以建立良好的基础,导致学士学位. That support continues throughout their time at St. Edward’s. 对许多人来说,大学里的CAMP办公室成了他们的“第二家”.”
To ensure success, CAMP学者需要保持良好的学术地位, 参加夏令营主办的强制性活动,并在获得学位方面取得令人满意的进展.
Academic Support
Meet with Your Success Coach
作为一名CAMP新生,你将被要求每月至少与CAMP成功教练见面一次. You’ll set academic goals, discuss career options and build your résumé, and explore the challenges of college life.
Peer Academic Coaches
新入学的CAMP学者将在秋季被指派一名同行学术教练. 你的教练是一名成功完成第一年学业的CAMP高年级学生. 会议每周举行一次,导师们将分享成功的工具.
First-Year Seminar
为了帮助你完成写作任务,你将在秋季参加每周的写作课. 在春天,你将参与社区服务.
Tutoring & Supplemental Instruction
CAMP学者有资格获得免费辅导,并要求每周完成指定的小时数. Academic Support Services 提供同伴辅导和补充指导课程.
Monthly CAMP Meetings
所有CAMP新生学者都会参加强制性会议,为您提供重要的最新信息, 包括团队建设游览和特邀嘉宾.
Financial Support
你将与一名财务援助顾问配对,他将在你在圣. Edward’s. 他们会回答你的问题,并告诉你付款方式.
During your freshman year, 你会收到一份经济援助包来支付大学费用, including:
- Tuition and fees
- Books and supplies
- On-campus housing and meal plan
- Travel stipend
- Health insurance
- A modest monthly living stipend
Your financial aid package may include federal, state and institutional grants, 通常会支付你第一年的大部分费用,除了3美元,500. 你可以选择接受圣·霍普金斯大学提供的学生贷款来支付3500美元. Edward’s. 或者,你可以申请外部奖学金来支付剩余的3500美元.
学生有很多奖学金机会. 我们鼓励你进行研究并申请奖学金. Discover the scholarships you may qualify for!
CAMP会在你在山顶的第一年为你提供支持. 爱德华致力于帮助你完成你的本科学位. 如果你取得了令人满意的学位,我们保证再给你三年的大学助学金.
Resources for Freshmen
CAMP Enrichment Week
Enrichment Week welcomes all CAMP freshmen to St. Edward’s and helps you get acquainted with CAMP. You’ll get to know our campus, explore services and organizations, meet faculty, participate in team-building exercises and more.
Migrant Experience Groups (MEGs)
meg帮助你从高中顺利过渡到大学. 在秋季,你的小组每周将与两名辅导员见面. 这种支持性的环境可以让你讨论大学生活的挑战和回报. Attendance is required.
CAMP Personal Counselor
与心理健康咨询师一起工作可以帮助你充分发挥你的潜力. CAMP通过预约时间和/或预约时间为学生提供心理健康咨询师. You may schedule an initial consultation at the Health & Counseling Center. Sessions are typically 45–50 minutes.
Cultural Expression Workshops
In the spring, CAMP心理健康咨询师每个月都会举办特别研讨会,探讨自信训练等主题, healthy relationships and cultural identity.
Accomplishments of CAMP Alumni
我们的CAMP校友继续为当地和全球社区做出贡献. Here are a few noteworthy accomplishments:
- 杰奎琳·奥尔维拉(jacqueline Olvera)是仅有的12名被选中获得著名的总统奖的学生之一.
- 阿方索·卢西奥(Alfonso Lucio)在哥伦比亚广播公司奥斯汀(CBS Austin)为纪念凯撒·E·奥巴马(Cesar E .)而游行. Chavez and workers’ rights. Read the full story.
- 埃斯梅拉达·佩雷斯夏令营11被她的母校评为杰出的山顶人物,因为她作为导师的工作令人印象深刻.
- Elvia Valle CAMP ’09 made the “40 under 40” Latinos in Foreign Policy” list.
- Nancy Flores CAMP ’03 received the 2018 Alumni Service Award.
如果您有兴趣为CAMP学者的成功做出贡献,我们鼓励您考虑 giving directly to CAMP.