Hilltopper Card

Ornate door

The Hilltopper Card is the official St. Edward's University identification card. “山顶卡”为购买和利用校园服务和资源提供了一种方便、安全的方式.

山顶卡在正常营业时间免费提供. 山顶卡办公室位于校园网球场旁边.学生和员工应携带政府签发的带照片的有效身份证件办理新卡. 可接受的身份证明形式包括国家颁发的身份证, driver's license, passport, or military ID. There is a $15 charge for lost, stolen or damaged cards.

Topper Tender

Once the Hilltopper Card is provisioned, students, staff and faculty can make deposits to Topper Tender. Topper Tender是一个预付的借记卡账户,一旦您存入资金就会激活,只要您是大学的注册学生或在职员工就可以使用.

Students and employees can deposit funds by logging into 使用信用卡/借记卡或亲自到山顶卡办事处使用现金, credit/debit card or check.

使用Topper Tender付款的员工和学生在所有校园用餐场所均可享受5%的折扣*. Topper招标可在以下地点使用,包括校内和校外:

  • Cabo Bob's Burritos at 530 E. Ben White
  • Con Madre Kitchen at 628 E. Oltorf
  • CVS Pharmacy at 2101 S. Lamar Blvd. 
  • Vending Machines
  • South Congress Market (Ragsdale)*
  • Hunt Hall Café, including Coffee Bar/Bakery (Hunt Hall)*
  • The Grab and Goat (St. Andre)*
  • Coffee – Meadows Coffeehouse (Ragsdale)*
  • Coffee – Equity Café (Equity Hall)*
Grubhub logo

除了上述地点,Toper Tender还可以与Grubhub一起使用. 无论是在学校还是在家里,您都可以使用Grubhub上的Topper Tender来取货或送货. Students, Faculty, 和员工应该按照下面的说明来建立一个免费的Grubhub+会员.

如果您已经拥有Grubhub帐户,请按照 Grubhub Q&A to affiliate your account.

  1. 将Grubhub应用程序下载到您的手机上,并使用您的SEU电子邮件创建您的帐户.
  2. Affiliate your Account> Account> Campus dining >St. Edward's University. 通过表明你是学生或教职员工来选择你的隶属关系.
  3. Add Topper Tender by choosing Account > Payment > Add new payment. Choose Topper Tender and enter your 16-digit Topper Tender number (found at MyHilltop>Topper Tender).
  4. 在任何接受Grubhub的地方点餐和取餐.

Meal Plan 

所有全日制本科生必须购买膳食计划. 那些通勤到学校或住在校内公寓的学生每学期必须购买“E”餐计划,象征性的费用为190美元. 但是,如果需要,这些学生可以购买任何宿舍膳食计划. 所有住在大学宿舍的学生都必须购买“A”," "B," C," or "D" meal plan. First-year students are limited to A & B plans.   

每个计划都包含一个Topper Tender组件,可以在特定的校外商家或校园书店使用. 膳食计划的费用可以通过大学的每月付款计划来支付. Learn about Meal Plan details and options.

所有膳食计划的更改必须亲自到山顶卡办公室(位于校园网球场旁边)或通过 email. 每学期上课第12天后,不得要求更改膳食计划. 膳食计划可在以下校园地点使用: 

  • South Congress Market (Ragsdale)*
  • Hunt Hall Café, including Coffee Bar/Bakery (Hunt Hall)*
  • The Grab and Goat (St. Andre)*
  • Meadows Coffeehouse (Ragsdale)*
  • Equity Café (Equity Hall)*

请注意,所有学生每学期都必须购买膳食计划,无论他们从秋季学期到春季学期的任何余额. 从每年的6月30日起,膳食计划账户余额将减少到0美元.00. Any meal plan dollars remaining will be forfeited. 

See meal plan accommodations for options based on a disability, 宗教限制或要求或者如果你有长期的特殊饮食限制. 

More Information About Topper Tender and Meal Plan

寻找有关Topper Tender和膳食计划的更多信息? Review our frequently asked questions and reach out to us for additional information.

Can I transfer money from the meal plan to Topper Tender?

You can not transfer meal plan dollars to Topper Tender. You can add to Topper Tender at any time. 

Can I change my meal plan?

Yes. 所有更改必须亲自到山顶卡办事处或由 email. 每学期上课第12天后,不得要求更改膳食计划.

Is there a charge to get a Hilltopper Card? 

No. Your first card is free. Replacements are $15. 更换故障卡或损坏卡(正常磨损)可免收费用。. 故意损坏被打孔、破裂或损坏的卡片将被收取费用. 所有换证手续均于正常办公时间内在卡务处办理.

Does Topper Tender expire?

Topper Tender不会过期,余额从一个学期滚动到另一个学期.

Can I get a refund?

Topper funds may be requested upon withdrawal, transfer, or graduation from the university, or termination of employment. 

膳食计划的取消和退款以学生金融服务办公室规定的学费退款时间表为准. Refunds apply only to unused portions. 在学期结束时离开学校的学生不能退还未使用的膳食计划余额. 根据退款时间表,在课程的第12天之后将不退款.  

What can I do online?

Students and employees can log into their Topper Tender Account to perform the following actions:

  • Deposit to your Topper Tender account 
  • 检查一下你在美元和南方国会币上的余额 
  • Review your transaction history 
  • Freeze your card if lost or stolen 
  • Unfreeze your card if found

Hilltopper Card Mobile Credential 

山顶卡移动证书适用于所有注册St. 爱德华大学的学生和在职教职员工. 你的Hilltopper卡现在可以在你的iPhone上使用, Apple Watch, Android phones, and Samsung phones. 它提供进入大学建筑的通道,并在参与的校园场馆付款, Bon Appetit dining facilities, Jo's Coffee, our off-campus partners, and vending machines on campus. In addition, 您的Hilltopper卡移动凭证可用于访问和支付任何您的物理Hilltopper卡接受.

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8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
