
Ornate door


Teaching is at the very core of our Holy Cross tradition and academic excellence. 

Our History

Established in 1991, the 卓越教学中心 (CTE) grew from the desire to continually elevate the learning experience for students at St. Edward’s. Through the center, faculty members come together to share ideas and strategies for successful teaching. They learn practical and inventive ways to improve teaching methods and respond to the various learning needs of students.

Our Mission

卓越教学中心促进有效的, innovative, inclusive and evidence-based college teaching that fosters sustained learning. The center cultivates a campus culture that values diverse approaches to learning and teaching. It supports faculty in enhancing pedagogical practices and facilitates the exchange of ideas and the development of community among faculty.  


Our Goals

The 卓越教学中心 focuses on a variety of activities designed to support our mission, which include:

  • 推动教与学的新措施
  • 支持创新、包容的教学,使学生能够学习
  • 促进持续改进教学的文化
  • 建立跨校园的教学社区
  • 在教学的各个阶段为教师提供支持. Edward’s teaching career
  • 认可卓越教学

Our Leadership

Interim Director

Sasha West, PhD, Associate Professor in Writing and Rhetoric (School of Arts and Humanities)


Natalie Smyth

Advisory Board

  • Carsten Andresen, Associate Professor Criminal Justice (School of Behavioral and Social Sciences)
  • Claire Edwards, Assistant Professor Biological Sciences (School of Natural Sciences)
  • 凯特·洛佩兹,会计学副教授(周一商学院)
  • Georgia Seminet, 语言副教授, 文学与文化, 艺术与人文学院副院长(艺术与人文学院)

CTE Programming

The 卓越教学中心 offers a variety of programs to improve teaching at the university, including:

Faculty Resources 

卓越教学中心培养了一个强大的教学社区, 理解严谨, 参与关于学习的对话对学生和教师都有好处.

CTE will offer a range of events this year to help faculty design strong classes, 为即将到来的选举做好准备, 培养和支持本科生研究, 弥合学习成绩的差距.

To help faculty develop ethical and innovative teaching practices in a changing technological environment, CTE and the Office of Information Technology will continue to offer guidance and host workshops on generative AI and Open Educational Resources.

Information you can use

To keep track of events and information, please use the following resources:

Resource Archive

Google Drive archive of recordings and slides for all CTE and Instructional Technology co-hosted events, 以及额外的策划资源.

Events Calendar

与教学支持相关的所有事件共享谷歌日历. You can add this to your own calendar by subscribing to the Teaching Support Events calendar and RSVPing to upcoming events. 注意:您必须订阅St. Edward’s Gmail account.

Join the Dialogue

The Teaching Forum Closed Workplace Group for faculty promotes conversation and resource sharing.


Planned Programming

The 卓越教学中心 will support the following programs in the 2024–2025 academic year:

  • 教学研讨会定于2024年8月22日(星期四)举行 
  • 教与学奖学金:专业学习共同体 
  • 咖啡和聊天(教师聚会) 
  • 书与咖啡(每月读书会) 
  • Faculty Writing Group 
  • Read. Try. Chat. (每月读书会将实践融入课堂) 
  • Dedicated teaching sessions throughout the year (schedule announced, tba)

Awards and Fellowships

Teaching Awards

每年颁发一次的圣. Edward’s University honor faculty for their exceptional talents and dedication to promoting learning in meaningful, 参与和创新的方式. 选拔过程是严格的,要对候选人进行评估 course offerings, curricular designs, instructional methods, 课堂表演和与学生的互动.


Innovation Fellows

创新奖学金支持需要时间的教师, resources and expertise to include pedagogical experimentation in their courses by providing a stipend, 参与创新研究所, 以及一个专注于教学创新的教职人员社区.

Learn about our 创新研究员和他们的项目

Read about past fellows.

Delayne Hudspeth, retired professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Instructional Technology at the University of Texas, 是几位圣. Edward's faculty members and scores of other master's and doctoral students. 通过一位匿名捐赠者的慷慨解囊. Hudspeth's contributions to innovation in higher education are honored by this award.

The CTE would like to invite you to apply for the Delayne Hudspeth创新教学奖. The award, open to all who teach, 包括全日制(终身制和非终身制), part-time, adjunct, and staff who teach, is determined by a panel representing schools across campus and carries a $500 stipend. The application is a Google Form 定于2022年3月11日. 详情请参阅下文.

Who can apply?

这个奖项是为了表彰. Edward’s instructors who create innovative learning environments and projects. All teaching faculty members -- 包括全日制(终身制和非终身制), part-time, adjunct, 教师也被鼓励申请. Previous Award winners will be considered for the Hudspeth Award five years after their previous win. 


自我提名应该突出一个具体的项目, 作业或练习, a teaching method, 技术的新应用, 或者重新设计整个班级. Instructors may apply for the award based on an innovation implemented in any of the three years previous to the application deadline. For this year's award, projects implemented in any of the following semesters will be eligible:

  • Academic year 2018-2019, including Fall 2018, Spring 2019, and Summer 2019
  • Academic year 2019-2020, including Fall 2019, Spring 2020, and Summer 2020
  • Academic year 2020-2021, including Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021
  • Fall 2021


因为这个奖项是为了表彰创新, preference will be given to projects that demonstrate the greatest levels of innovation and that clearly present the value of that innovation for student learning. Note that the committee does not equate innovation with adoption of new technologies. While some winning projects have featured new uses of technology, many have not. 请在开始制作您的申请之前查看谷歌表单, 因为它将有助于指导您展示您的项目.


Please fill out the Google Form 在2022年3月11日星期一结束之前.


The winner and finalist for the award will be decided upon by the members of Hudspeth Awards Committee. The committee is comprised of representatives from across the university's schools. 申请是盲审的, 根据选择标准评分, 然后讨论,直到委员会达成共识.

Other Questions?

If you have any questions about the award or would like to discuss your application, 请联系萨沙·韦斯特. Dr. 韦斯特促进了颁奖过程,但不是投票成员.